Undisturbed Birth

Jay KellyBirth, Blog, Pregnancy, Surrogacy

Sarah Buckley and Jay Kelly

Undisturbed Birth? Yes please! Birth plan following a Sarah J. Buckley, MD study day, Edinburgh 2013. After attending Sarah Buckley’s study day on undisturbed birth I was asked to write a report for it. A way of sharing with others what I had got from the day. Now, I’ve pondered over this for a couple of weeks and have decided … Read More

5 things to look for in a Fertility Therapist

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility

5 things to look for in a fertility therapist. My top tips for finding the right Fertility Specialist for you are primarily coming from a Mind-Body perspective on Fertility. My specialist area covers Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT in particular, and since I’m a passionate ‘NON-Jack of All Trades’ advocate, but I have a big passion for the fact that different methods … Read More


Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Pregnancy, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility


Surrogacy: The art form and the miracle of growing a baby in another woman’s womb. I’ll clear up a bit of the terminology first of all. Types of surrogacy include straight surrogacy and host surrogacy. Host is when you use a embryo that has a different woman’s egg, not the egg of the surrogate mother. The egg can be that … Read More

Relaxing stress responses throughout IVF

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility

overcoming stress during ivf

Relaxing stress responses throughout IVF. IVF can be a long drawn out and potentially stressful time. Endless appointments, hospital car parks, clinic waiting rooms, injections and timescales, and a body going through a synthetic hormonal rollercoaster. Using a self hypnosis and EFT program to help you keep calm, emotionally and physically, through the journey will no doubt have an effect … Read More

Overcoming blockages whilst deciding how to deal with fertility issues

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility

Overcoming blockages whilst deciding how to deal with fertility issues. It can feel like such an overwhelming time when deciding what to do. Heart and head may have different thoughts. Too many pros and cons in all different directions. The impacts of decisions can feel too heavy to even think about. Your potential choices are obviously going to depend on … Read More

Delayed cord clamping (or OCC) as the healthy norm

Jay KellyBirth, Blog, Pregnancy, Surrogacy

DCC Delayed ccord clamping OCC wait for white

Delayed cord clamping (or Optimal Cord Clamping – OCC) as the healthy norm. If someone told you that something that you can do to your precious tiny newborn could take away a third of his or her crucial blood supply, you wouldn’t do it, would you? If someone also told you that a routine procedure, with no known benefit, was … Read More