Fertile Mind, Fertile Body

Jay KellyFertile Man, Fertility, Pregnancy, Well Woman and Fertility

The Fertile Body Method, fertility hypnotherapy, harrogate Jay Kelly, online

Fertile Mind, Fertile Body What is the Fertile Body Method? The Fertile Body Method is a mind-body approach to fertility which acknowledges the importance of working with fertility problems in a holistic way. Hypnosis is potentially a very powerful and effective therapeutic tool and is used in many of the techniques and approaches suggested in the Fertile Body Method. Hypnosis … Read More

Mind-Body Fertility course – to help with conception

Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Well Woman and Fertility

pre-conception care

Mind-Body Fertility 3 month course Mind-Body Fertility course – to help with conception. 5 sessions as a group, spread over 3 months. Includes an individual consultation and Mizan (fertility massage) appointment. Numbers limited to 8 people per series of workshops.   Location: Women’s Alchemy, Luna Treatment Rooms, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5BJ.   Give yourself every chance of natural conception. … Read More

What to expect at your first Mizan appointment

Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Pregnancy, Well Woman, Well Woman and Fertility

Mizan Therapy

What to expect at your first Mizan appointment? Here is a little guide as to what you may experience at your first session with a Mizan Practitioner. Most first appointments take upwards of 2 hours usually, occasionally 3 hours. You may have already filled in your client intake/information form, and will go through it with your practitioner, or you may … Read More

What is Mizan?

Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Pregnancy, Well Woman, Well Woman and Fertility

Mizan Therapy

What is Mizan therapy? I’ve been asked this so many times, and I never tire of talking about it, about wombs, about women’s bodies. Mizan (sounds like Milan) is essentially an abdominal massage. Focusing on the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and the lower back. The massage helps to bring a fresh, oxygenated blood supply to the reproductive organs and … Read More

5 things to look for in a Fertility Therapist

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility

5 things to look for in a fertility therapist. My top tips for finding the right Fertility Specialist for you are primarily coming from a Mind-Body perspective on Fertility. My specialist area covers Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT in particular, and since I’m a passionate ‘NON-Jack of All Trades’ advocate, but I have a big passion for the fact that different methods … Read More

Pregnancy after loss

Jay KellyBlog, Fertility

life after loss

Hope this little testimonial gives you hope. Pregnancy after loss “I am grateful every day that life events caused my path to cross with Jay’s. I first met her when was I was going through a particularly difficult and challenging time having lost two much wanted babies in the space of 6 months. I can say with confidence that the … Read More

‘Think yourself fertile’ versus ‘TTC’

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Well Woman, Well Woman and Fertility

pre-conception care

Think yourself fertile Vs TTC – the power of mind-body medicine Are the three little letters TTC all consuming? Whether you are hoping to conceive naturally, or are having assisted conception, Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can really help support you. For someone who is going through the stresses of IVF, Hypnotherapy can be the saving grace when it … Read More

2 week wait & 1st trimester exhaustion

Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Pregnancy, Well Woman and Fertility

pregnancy test 2ww

The 2ww – Mindful ways to help Implantation So once the miracle of conception has happened, whether through natural methods or assisted, the next physiological stage is implantation. Sticky vibes from well meaning friends is one thing, but what can you do to possibly help yourself during the 2 week wait? In no particular order, here are some bite-size ideas. … Read More

How sperm works

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility

How sperm works

This subject is an entire breezeblock of book, not just a few paragraphs, but I thought a brief overview is worthwhile. So we know that we need millions of sperm, all strong swimmers, with stamina and all swimming in the correct direction. The millions and millions of sperm need to be deposited in a potentially hostile environment, cover a relatively … Read More

7 ways to improve male fertility

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility

10 ways to improve male fertility

Male Fertility.  7 ways to safeguard your seeds. You may have heard the terms ‘low sperm count’ ‘poor motility’ ‘poor morphology’ being mentioned. You may have only heard your head sprouting out some not so nice thoughts. Terms related to ‘firing blanks’ was used as an insult to men at one point. I certainly hope it isn’t any more, and … Read More


Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Pregnancy, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility


Surrogacy: The art form and the miracle of growing a baby in another woman’s womb. I’ll clear up a bit of the terminology first of all. Types of surrogacy include straight surrogacy and host surrogacy. Host is when you use a embryo that has a different woman’s egg, not the egg of the surrogate mother. The egg can be that … Read More

Relaxing stress responses throughout IVF

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility

overcoming stress during ivf

Relaxing stress responses throughout IVF. IVF can be a long drawn out and potentially stressful time. Endless appointments, hospital car parks, clinic waiting rooms, injections and timescales, and a body going through a synthetic hormonal rollercoaster. Using a self hypnosis and EFT program to help you keep calm, emotionally and physically, through the journey will no doubt have an effect … Read More

Overcoming blockages whilst deciding how to deal with fertility issues

Jay KellyBlog, Fertile Man, Fertility, Surrogacy, Well Woman and Fertility

Overcoming blockages whilst deciding how to deal with fertility issues. It can feel like such an overwhelming time when deciding what to do. Heart and head may have different thoughts. Too many pros and cons in all different directions. The impacts of decisions can feel too heavy to even think about. Your potential choices are obviously going to depend on … Read More

Happy womb, happy woman.

Jay KellyBlog, Fertility, Pregnancy, Well Woman, Well Woman and Fertility

Happy womb, happy woman, mizan, womb meditation

Happy womb, happy woman. How to have a happy womb? Have you ever talked to your womb? Think I’m bonkers for asking. No problem!! But have you?! How I think you have a happier womb: I suggest doing some womb meditations and some hands-on healing for a happy and balanced womb, and there are some incredible clean and accessible foods … Read More