Pill, pill, bloody pill

Jay KellyBlog

Painted face, women's health

Are there any other areas in the medical world where one type of medication is given for so many health problems?

Heavy painful periods? Here, have the birth control pill.

Endometriosis? Here have the birth control pill.

Fibroids or cysts? Here have the birth control pill.

Acne? Here, have the birth control pill.

Feeling ‘hormonal’? Here, have the birth control pill.

Not ovulating? Here, have the birth control pill.

I could go on…

Of course, I will never tar all GPs with the same brush, as thank goodness they aren’t all the same… but why do so many women get offered a drug that shuts their hormonal system down, takes over badly, and it doesn’t even fix any of those problems?

Do you accept that the birth control pill is the answer to a wide variety of female issues, from lack of ovulation to fibrous growths? If so, why?

I also ask why so many women with fertility issues are left alone “give it time”, but little looked into, until it’s time for IVF… As opposed to looking into the individual systems that need tweaking and supporting (including men).

There are other ways.

#mizan #nepro #diet #endocrinesystem #stressrelief #meditation #ivf #infertility

Here is the link to a video on Nepro. It’s worth a watch.